Saturday, 8 November 2014

Fire walk with Garmin allowed.


We got in the car and entered the destination to Gaynor our man hating Garmin sat Nav. I say man hating but I think really it just hates me. We have never got on. She never takes me the way I think she should go and shouts at me if I take a wrong turn. We both know where we want to be at the start and yet in most cases have a different route albeit I end up taking her way.

So we start the car and off we go. It was only a matter of a couple of miles that I suspected she was somewhat misguided and heading in the opposite way to where we should be going and yet despite this we kept switching left and right under her command or by now as I am calling her..... "that bitch" and yet still we stayed true to her course. Under these directions we kept on the same route for several miles, and despite being so sure we were heading to the wrong destination we continued waiting till the last moment to decide to change route.

We arrived at the right location about 30 minutes later after starting over again and it wasn't for about another 4 hours that this giant metaphor unfolded.


Two further journeys took place that night. One was a mere one step and the other about 6 steps. Each one presented itself with fear of not being able to compete the journey and each one without the help of anyone else, Gaynor had become Brian and he gave some instructions about where we wanted to be but only one person could complete the journey, only one person had the vision and route in mind and only one person could say this is the way to go.

Both journeys were very different. 

With the first journey you can get a real sense of the pain it can take to make small leaps of faith. There can be a lot of pressure to step forward, even a single small step can present itself with a big challenge but getting past that first step has great reward and you can shatter fear.


With the second journey we upped the steps.......and the a few hundred degrees no less but now under the belief that it's not the journey that is the challenge but the fact it's you that starts it and with that we could easily stroll across the fire.....and stroll we did, one by one and Noah style two by two :-)


So what of the original journey? Well I may not like to admit it but Gaynor set us up  for all that was to follow that night. You see, life is all about direction and she merely wanted to prove the point. A lot of what travels around with us just now is all about who is going to get you where you want to be. You have many different opinions that are given to you. In most cases a lot of people give direction in good faith and while you might get to the right place in the end it will not be without twists and turns that are outwith your control. If you truly believe you are going the wrong way, don't wait too long and don't be afraid to turn around. The more you do this the less you rely on others, the more you do it you will realise that that first step is short and any pain associated is only temporary. 

It pains me to say it but Gaynor did me a favour........albeit at the cost of her job. Next time I will use my own map, go find yours.


Thursday, 21 August 2014

That first day of school feeling

Yay it comes to pass that after 6 or so weeks of terrorising parents, grandparents, shoppers and pool attendants alike that my kids returned to school and nursery from the summer break. Whilst both were cool calm and collected on Tuesday night the stark reality of returning or starting school can be daunting and reacted to in different ways, fear, terror and apprehension are nothing new to parents. Thing 1 was up at 5:30am !!!!! proclaiming that he was so excited to be getting back and seeing all his friends and looking forward to meeting his new teacher. Thing 2 was starting a different session at nursery and had no idea which group, colour, animal or teacher would be waiting but like any other 3 year old cared not a jot for it because hey....there would be paint, sand and toast....what else is required? 

Worth noting that neither child came home after having their head flushed down a toilet, which is good but seems strange as it always happened to me???

Starting a new job is equally as daunting  but the right mindset and preparation should take away some of the fear.......just some of it :-)

So sit back and relax as That Learning Dude takes you through some advice to make joining your new place as comfortable as possible......................P.S. if you have some time, stick on the kettle, I may prattle a bit.

Say hello and let the world know you're here !!
Okay so I am not for one minute suggesting that you burst into song and announce your arrival like an extra in the sound of music (although if you do let me know and I'll grab some popcorn and front row seats) but saying hello costs nothing. Who is in your team / your peer group and how will what you do impact on them? Make a point of understanding them and what they do. Soak up information on your first day, hopefully you will get introduced to everyone but sometimes the world moves so fast it is not always possibly so take some initiative.

Find a buddy.
A lot of organisations these days understand the benefit of having some form of buddy system in place for new joiners. In most cases this person will be the seasoned pro, the grizzled performer (not to be confused with the person dribbling in the corner). This well traveled friend will know the place back to front. They can help you with an understanding of the culture, things to avoid on the canteen menu and in some cases help you with the politics or do's and don'ts. The kind of person that if you had to ask how to turn on your laptop using the big red power button that says press here to turn on, wouldn't bat an eyelid or check through the recruitment pack to see who hired you.

Great Expectations.
Read great expectations, this masterpiece by Charle
Find out what is expected of you? How will you fit in the team / organisation and what role will you perform. Where can you add value? Who will you connect with in the business. In some cases these expectations may be set out in your induction programme but it is vital you start the process as you mean to go on. Be it 30, 60, or 90 days set your self tasks and challenges to align with these expectations.......great huh?

Canteen and break etiquette 
Depending on where you work, a vital part of the culture will inevitably be linked to food and drink. Scope out (maybe ask your buddy) what happens in the event of a tea run. I'll admit it, That Learning Dude knows how the process works in his office but rarely does a tea run, I'm ashamed to say it as much as I'm not. Reason being it can be terribly territorial and vary from office to region to country (although I recommend South Korea, certainly when I worked there we drank coffee and ate cookies on a bi-hourly basis ). A gentle ask for "who would like a cuppa?" can result in a flood of responses from hot water to hot water with milk to cappuccino, latte and my personal favourite....just a tea with a dash of milk ! Joking aside the critical part is understanding things like how often are the fridges cleared out, why does Liam label his milk touch this and I will find you and I will kill you as well as any kitty or rota operated in the team. Canteens can be smaller than you expect for hundreds of staff, think about what the busy times are and if popping down for two mins to get a bottle of water at high noon is a the best plan

Knowledge is power. 
What made you join? Find out as much as you can about your organisation to help you in your role. It could be that you are joining a business that is diversified across multiple channels for example a retailer owning a bank (what are the odds?) and however diverse their portfolio is they will share common purposes and goals. Understanding how it fits together and the history and origins of the company can help you to understand the culture more effectively, after all a tin of beans and a credit card may not appear to have synergy but they are both products, created, marketed and sold using similar processes (as long as you don't confuse them and try to pay for something with the beans......although I sold my cow to a bloke once for some, mum wasn't happy).

You will be bombarded with info
Information overload, can't live with it but being fair can't live without it. You should fully prepare for this arming yourself with whatever you need to remember as much information as possible and start to get yourself into a routine for how things will work going forward. Getting into sync early with how to structure your day can only benefit you in the long term

Network off and online if you wish
Just as you announce your arrival in the office it is also important to consider how else you can network and collaborate together with colleagues. What is the social scene? Being part of a community is vital to the success of any organisation and it could help you to settle in a new location more effectively. Do people go for a run at lunchtime, is there a volunteering programme, how can you sign up for charity events and what is the social media policy? You should never join or connect just for the sake of it, make sure it fits with who you are and not just who you think others would want you to be.  If you are required to build an external network with suppliers find out what ways people do this. It could be that you have to update profiles on Linked In and Twitter etc or create new profiles to reflect your role. All of this should be done in conjunction with social media and other reflective policies operated in the business.

So there you have it, That Learning Dudes whizz around the new workplace. It's not really rocket science.....unless you are joining NASA and then technically it is. Be yourself, it's why they hired you. In some ways it is still a little like school, college or university. There will be challenges, some pitfalls, laughs and in some cases tears........mostly when you find the fridge has been cleared out but most of all the fact you are reading this means that more than likely you made it through those institutions and survived. 
Thanks for reading.....P.S Give me your lunch money or you're getting it.

That Learning Dude @LearningXDude

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Are we really like the Walking Dead?

I had a dream the other old school sheriff in a sleepy town woke up from a coma into a post apocalyptic world and found a world overrun by least I think they were zombies.....well.....when I say zombies what I really saw was that everyone wandered around, heads down with faces in a plethora of smartphones, tablets and kindles. This group of biters were oblivious to anything and everyone....well unless you you managed to bump into one and they devoured you.....wait, that wasn't know !! I know !! now I remember, they devoured your bandwidth and fed off free wi-fi. In amongst this story our sheriff journeys along collecting a band of survivors who face a series of dilemmas as they battle this dangerous epidemic of the modern world, yes......the zombie overlords of the ministry of education !!!

So lets go back to earlier that day with most ideas and thoughts that bubble up on my head, I am on the train. and like any other day I am reading my newspaper.........(just like the terribly social people of yesteryear in the picture) and an article that makes me think is all about the shadow education minister saying children need to be taught attentiveness skills to help combat the influence of social media. Children "need to learn the ability to concentrate for sustained periods, especially in today's world" was the exact quote that caught my eye........especially the part about today's world. What exactly is he meaning by today's world? If you look at that picture again, this was the world of today back then. A time without mobile's, emails, laptops, tablets and so on and so forth. To them, yesterdays world presented challenges with the age of automation, refrigeration and conversation. Simpler times.....perhaps...but do our children face anything different?

Now I might add at this point that while reading my newspaper, I checked Facebook, Twitter and oh yeah......quickly jotted some notes down on Blogger.....a multi- tasking skill of the digital age that I have taught myself over the years.

Now, back to the original quote about today's children. "Concentrate for sustained periods", especially in today's world. I don't deny or oppose the idea that there is a need to shift some educational goals but once again the soft and easy target is Mobile and Social Media. The point that seems to be missed although blatantly obvious to everyone else is that today's world has evolved.....and us with it. So what is it that the ministers and shadow ministers don't see?

A comment I heard the other week made things very clear to me, there is a need to teach kids analogue just like we had to learn digital. It is therefore critical in my opinion is that we have to approach it in a manner that is appealing to youngsters. Education has to be in touch with how they like to learn. To target social media and mobile technology as the problem is hardly going to stop them from putting the tech down and picking up a book but you could use it?

How cool would it be if we built elements of the curriculum online? How much more engaging could you make homework if you introduced gamification? and how about awarding badges as a reward for homework? These are things that are already out there, so cost implications aside why hasn't it happened? Let's be honest, like the zombies....the kids would bite.

One of the finest examples of how out of touch they may be is the talk of increasing the number of hours on the curriculum for Greek and Latin !! I agree, it is important to teach the classics and I still rate them amongst my favourite classes at secondary school but it must be relative and the opportunity to use technology would open the subject up to greater potential as well as engaging the yoof of today?

The classroom has changed, not the kids and are we really wanting to stop them using technology? Be it tablets of yesterday or tablets of today we need to provide the tools of engagement but out of touch politicians are not the only ones to get in on the act. I was reading another article which spoke of the link between ADHD and mobile/social use. It seems a 66% spike between 2000 & 2010 could but isn't attributed to a more people being diagnosed, could but isn't attributed to a greater number of kids being tested at parents request but like the other easy option they cite that the reason is probably linked to a generation being addicted to dopamine fuelled online activities such as emails, testing and social media! I always see this as a cheap and easy target  but what makes me smile in all of this is that the writer would probably not have the career they have today without the very thing they attack, given their huge Twitter following, frequent TED talks and other avenues of self promotion. There is one final thing before getting back on track, the recent neknomination furore. How simple was it for people to blame social media rather than the lack of alcohol awareness education?

Kids aren't zombies, although they do have an insatiable appetite to learn and in a way that they want and it's our job to feed them. If we always blame what they embrace then there will only ever be one outcome.

The task for the education ministry, is to concentrate on one difficult can that be?

That Learning Dude @LearningXDude

Monday, 3 February 2014

Learning Technologies 2014 - Day Two - Neuroscience....makes you think !

Okay, so given I woke up at 3:45am on the morning of Day One  at Learning Technologies I had hoped for a pleasant evenings sleep to provide me with plenty of energy for what Day Two had in store however, given the Copthorne Tara is located above the train tracks and the mini bar fridge (unopened boss) was encased in a cupboard that provided cavernous acoustics every time the fan switched on......about every 45 mins !!!! then I can assure you rested I was not. It was a welcomed sight though to see the coffee pots in the Olympia and I did stock up before heading in for the Day Two keynote speaker Beau Lotto provided a truly fascinating talk on perception, creativity and context :-) You can see a bit of what he talked about here on a previous TED talk. I wasn't sure initially what to think when he started the session with the words "anything interesting begins with doubt"  :-) but I really enjoyed this.

 So after some more coffee and the onset of a blast of energy, I headed downstairs to see what Sarah Bell (account director at City and Guilds Kineo) had to say about the work they had been doing for Compass Group. From the minute Kineo got together with City and Guilds I was curious what direction they would take, and idle curiosity led to a very pleasant surprise.

The Managed Qualification Service is a great piece of work which has great potential beyond its Compass journey. I loved the interface which looked fresh and engaging, food for thought indeed and something I do want to find more out about.

Next up was lunch......I know, you are beginning to wonder if I did anything else but this time it was with Brightwave together with Marks and Spencer. This was to look at their Heroes customer service blend which was designed to improve the knowledge in flowers as well as drinks and spirits.

Again, the interface was crisp and clean, a theme that was more than apparent among many of the platforms on offer over both days. The success of the programme is there for all to see and this is down to the blend it has on offer. I can see many opportunities to cross this over into areas in many sectors.

and yay it came to pass that time was pushing on and there was time for one last session before Gatwick was calling. So given this year I am looking to shoot some video for work i thought a trip to listen to Mark Copeman of 845tv . He give some pretty good tips for those starting out in video and this was followed up with a session by BP on the diversity programme they produced which is heavily video rich.

Video is certainly something I want to do more of this year but not in isolation and as a stand alone or replacement to workshops etc. I intend to integrate into all learning areas, pre, post and within our programmes. Much to do ands much to think about.....can't believe it took me a week to finish this....hey oh, off to watch some Winter Olympics. ......might be something else to write about in there :-)


Sunday, 2 February 2014

Learning Technologies 2014 Day One - Don't mention the apps !

This is Jenny. A couple of years back she was encouraged to go all out and get an App for learning in her organisation. After 12 months of research and development, supplier engagement and iOS7 by Fisher Price she has just been to Learning Technologies 2014 and found out that it might not have been her greatest moment.

Now it's funny when I think of this as it rings true with a lot of what is (and has been) buzzing around for a while and certainly on my now annual pilgrimage to LT it seemed to be something I heard mentioned a lot and I got to thinking some more after Brian Solis delivered his keynote speech on the opening day. A couple of stand out points he made (which sounds like an injustice as his whole talk was stand out) stuck with me, first up, the point about how we are losing muscle memory, and how it begins to feel strange when you pick up a pen. Now you wouldn't normally think too much about that (although these days I can bench press 120lbs with my text 'n' tablet thumbs) but when you do start to think about it,  how many times in your workplace have you heard someone make a comment about handwriting on paperwork or applications forms etc? In 99.9% of cases the person who wrote it is probably under 25 years of age and then the current education system gets blamed. In other words as Brian said people claim the world is changing but sometimes it isn't the world that needs to change. Generation C (connected) are merely living the their life in the moment. Whereas some of us have made the lifestyle choice to become digital, we need to teach our kids analogue?

Awwww.... Now the mobile / anti app theme rolled on when Terence Eden of Telefonica spoke about the practice and pitfalls of mobile learning, he likened an app to a puppy, often yearned after but can require a similar amount of care and attention. There are thousands and thousands of apps out there and most are rubbish, lets be honest, totally rubbish. Reason for that is the lack of understanding as to what is required and ultimately if required at all. In most cases the perception is that everyone will want it. Reality as demonstrated by the case study from Helen and Alison from the NHS is that it takes and awful lot of time and money to get what you want and it is not always successful......of which at that point the manager who wanted the puppy suddenly finds the other toy they got for Christmas is much better. Now perhaps the most interesting thing about this session was that the team from the NHS are sticking with their strategy to produce more apps, partly because it is probably right for the target demographic but also because they have learned lessons, taken on board feedback and actually adapted other strategies to suit the need. Internal platforms to build there own content is now order of the day although costs are not necessarily that much cheaper.

So the conclusion here was there should be clear evidence of need, you have to work harder at the promotion of the app and most of all make it future proof and flexible..............if of course you do really need one :-)

Next up in my schedule was Doug Belshaw and Tim Riches and the topic of open badges, now I have followed the world of badges for a good few months now, mainly from afar but they intrigue me. I can see a use for them but only once the right project or reason comes up for them, I have an idea around contact centre agents and cross product skills training but the challenge for delivering this would be the stigma that is unfairly associated with them. The perception that they are for kids is merely attributed to the fact that they work so well in an educational set up but with big hitter corporate supporters in NASA, Disney/Pixar and Intel coupled with a 1400% growth in badges over the last couple of years it has to be something worth exploring? Doug and Tim would like to see badges as a new type of learning currency that foster community, provide authenticity and even as a potential recruitment tool.

Badges have the ability to provide a connected learning platform but I wonder if they might have to rethink the marketing strategy in order to break the stigma.

So last up of Day 1 for me was a talk about Google Glass by David Kelly @LnDDave this was a fascinating insight into one of the Glass explorers who are getting to play !! prior to commercial release.

2014 is being tipped as the year of wearable tech and what was good about this talk is the emphasis is not on the tech itself, not even on what the tech can do but on the possibilities it brings. Glass provides an immersive experience and aside from looking like a squirrel retrieving a nut from its cheek when using the touch pad it is hands free which provides amazing opportunities for surgeons and engineers to name but a few. Of course big brother theorists will have a ball given the fact the product is linked to what Google knows about you and its own products but then it doesn't stop me wanting a pair from Santa at the end of the year.

So that was my Learing Tech Day One experience, part 2 will follow as soon as get some sleep :-)

That Learning Dude @LearningXDude