Wooohooooo I'm back..........(pauses for cheers and rapturous applause).........still waiting.......?
So, I'm back after a summer break spent watching some glorious sporting achievements and fine sunsets over the west coast of Scotland. My intention for this blog post was to write about some of those summer adventures when BOOOOOM it happened.
Apple held a press conference.
Now I still like to point out that I
So back to today. I know millions will rush out and buy one.....maybe both models (innovation for the ambidextrous) but different colours, plastic back and fingerprint recognition......is that the best that they can do? It's NoNovation. I see the appeal, I hear so much from so many friends who have them but cannot get my head round the fact that people will want to upgrade. If you want a choice of colours, take your current phone and head off down to your local garage and invest in some spray paint and masking tape, far more colours to choose from or alternatively go down to your local market and find the angry birds or star wars cover you have always wanted. Fingerprint readers? How long before the first de-thumbed person reports a stolen iPhone? Okay extreme scenario but it's still NoNovation.
Overload !!!..... i'm gonna stop now. Hopefully Apple return to the innovative product development soon. I am sure they have it all in hand but if that involves the rumoured iWatch I think I may explode. I still pray that they were actually winding everyone up when they let the rumour slip it was in development and they are going to to come out and say narr narr na na narr we weren't developing a watch but we have the iTardis !!
But then one can only hope.
That Learning Dude @LearningXDude on Twitter.